Saturday, December 31, 2011

Infected Raider

"Infected Raider"
sketch by Bryan Thompson, AAU Visual Development Graduate 2010

Looks like this Raider tried to take over the wrong region...then got BIT!!!!

Robots!... some "Aliens"... and a bird.

pen, ink, and pencil

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Artist Profile #17: Mattias Adolfsson

Okay boys and girls...
grab your pens, your ink, and some adult diapers... 
because you're about to sh*t yourselves.

That was a bit blue... sorry.

Mattias Adolfsson is a freelance illustrator based just outside of Stockholm Sweden.
And he's a wizard... which would make his quill, his wand.

He has such an inventive and creative mind when it comes to telling stories, and then he only compliments that with his intricacy and attention to detail. 
His style is very loose (and by loose, I mean wobbly), but it always serves the illustration. 

He's always been a reminder to me that even if your style doesn't "fit" into what the industry might be looking for... if it's strong, you can make a niche for yourself: Because you'll be the only place the industry can go to get that particular branch of art.
Make it happen!

Be sure to check out his sketchbook walkthroughs at the bottom. 
They... are... insaaaaaaane!

And his blog has SO much more brilliant art.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Art of Newt

This was a Disney/Pixar venture that unfortunately got cancelled a while back. 
I think Sony's Rio might have had something to do with it.
Nonetheless, the art is still very cool. 

Artist Profile #16: John Nevarez

Hold onto your hats! 
This is John Nevarez.
He's a visual development artist.
And he's awesome.
... and by awesome..... I mean AWESOME!
There's just no other word to describe him.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Artist Profile #15: Kevin Keele

Kevin Keele works for Disney Interactive Studios/Avalanche.
Some cool stuff to make you drool a bit.
... especially over the hair.
Here are some of my in class intermediate figure drawings. These are long poses (2-4 hours) and they are with yellow ochre and sanguine nupastels and black/white charcoal.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Artist Profile #14: Noah Klocek

Noah Klocek is an Art Director at Pixar Animation Studios, and, my god, there's a reason why.

There are some artists that you'd think pure light was coming out of their pencil instead of graphite, based on how well they capture the palette of light. 
Noah is one of those artists.

Look at each of these pastel paintings, and study how he lights the scene(s) to convey the mood he's going for. It's captured perfectly. Plus, his designs are incredibly unique. A little over-stylized for my taste, but in terms of color and light, I'm a big fan.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Artist Profile #12: David Hong

Okay..... so up until now, I've been feeling this blog has been far too shallow. 
We need some depth.
To help us, here's some digital paintings from David Hong.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Artist Profile #11: Maxime Mary

Let's start off December with a great designer... shall we?

He's a brilliant character designer and visual development artist from Paris. 
Talk about putting life into your drawings! His character never stand still! And even when they do stand still, they're still breathing heavily.
